With the significant improvement in both upload and download speeds it is becoming increasingly viable for communities to run game servers over home Internet connections. Traditionally it required manual configuration of firewalls and router port forwarding but JRSM has you convered. We support DMZ's and UPnP to reduce the port forwarding and automate it where possible.
Running a server over a home Internet connection is now even easier.
Depending on your knowledge / experience and the complexity of your home network this can take from a few minutes to an hour.
If you are trying to run JRSM on a PC, laptop or any device on a home network then you will need to configure routing to allow JRSM and the various game dedicated servers to communicate with clients and the JustRace portal.
If you are using a server in a server farm then you can ignore this guide. Your server will have a static public IP address with nothing but the windows firewall between it and the Internet.
We recommend a low power device such as an old laptop. As long as it is capable of running windows and has enough hard disc space you should be able to use it. A laptop is ideal as it has a touchpad, keyboard and screen built in and are designed to use less power.
Note. This step is optional. It adds convenience for those that want it.{.is-warning}
If the device gets rebooted then for JRSM to run automatically you must log in to windows. Follow the steps below to make this happen.
fileTo get your device accessible from the Internet you will need to choose from one of the following options:
In Germany (and possibly other locations / other ISPs) Vodafone uses IP6 tunneling to provide you with a shared IP4 address. As standard this does NOT support port forwarding. You will need to configure your router into Bridge Mode
to get Port Forwarding working.
You MUST have a third party router to take advantage of a Vodafone Router in Bridge Mode. You will NOT be able to use the WiFi options of the Vodafone router or any of the other features.
Here is a Guide in German on the Vodafone web site or you can follow our guide below.
Once your device is accessible from the Internet we can install JustRace Server Manager (JRSM).