- Free. 100% free! No adverts or paywalls
- Full support for AMS1 RF2, and RaceRoom. Highly developed AC support. Beta Support for AMS2 and ACC
- Developers that are passionate sim racers creating a resource for everyone
- Did I say it is free?
- Join events straight from the portal (fully supported in AMS1, RF2, AC and RaceRoom). AMS2 and ACC do not support the required steam features but joining from the portal is still easy)
- Optional JustRace client giving advanced features when joining events
- Safety Rating calculated for each sim and standardised to be comparable across sims.
- Rank calculated for each sim based on ELO
- Track your stats over time. See how your rank and safety ratings improve as you race. Track your total laps, wins, top 5, DNFs etc
- Compare yourself to other drivers.
- Race results with drivers statistics (lap times, sector times, contacts, etc)
- Visualize your performances with graphs.
- Anyone can add their community to the JustRace system for free!
- All you need is a server or machine that is on 24/7/365 with a fixed IP address. With JR it will be 100% YOUR server to do with as you wish. Don't have a server? Tell us the sims you want to run and we can recommend a spec to do it based on the servers we use for our own events! We can also get discounts from the supplier we use giving you a server to run events for under €7 euro a month.
- Need help setting up the server? Some dedicated servers (RF2, AC) are not the easiest to get working. We're willing to configure your server for you right from barebones hardware to a working windows install with the dedicated servers you want running. Please note as JustRace is a 100% volunteer and free time developed resource that installation has to fit in around our own work and family life.
- Schedule events in advance (days, weeks, months!)
- Event templates to rapidly create multiple events with just a few clicks and all your settings are there.
- Automatic practice servers. Schedule an event and with a few clicks configure an automatic practice server that starts X days before the event and stops when the "real" event starts. (supported in AMS1 and RF2. Other sims will come later).
- Control access to events with registration passwords
- Group events into a championship and link to all events available with one URL
- Automatic fully customisable discord announcements encouraging and reminding users about events.
- No requirement for your racers to use JustRace. As an admin you can take advantage of the scheduling side of JustRace but give your users the detail they need (Server Name, Password) to be able to login in game.
- Results automatically uploaded to the JustRace portal
- Limit access to events based on various criteria: minimum safety rating, minimum rank, etc
- Override minimum requirements for new users so that you are still welcoming to new racers
- Add posters to your events. Images are much more attractive to the eye than text. Support for: event posters, championship posters, car, class and track posters
- Portal mobile compliant allowing users to register for events on the go and then join the server when they get home